[MGSA-L] "Let's rid this country of the stench" («για να ξεβρωμίσει ο τόπος»)

Christos D. Katsetos cd_katsetos at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 3 14:34:25 PDT 2012

Video clips from two documentary films are presented below in response to 
the campaign slogan «για να ξεβρωμίσει ο τόπος» ("Let's rid this country of the 
stench") embraced by Greece's rising ultranationalist party*, and also, in response
to the comments made, during a recent television interview, by the leading
MP-at-large" designate of the other ideologically-akin far-right competitor party, 
who rose to the occasion, advocating the creation of "free labor detention camps"
as a strategic measure of deterrence and a final solution to Greece's illegal 
immigration problem.

Remembering the Omaha pogrom (1909) leading to a massive exodus of the 
Greek community in Nebraska. 
«Βρωμοέλληνες» ("Filthy Greeks"): "No rats, no Greeks, all American"

Remembering the Toronto pogrom (1918):

Violent August: The 1918 Anti-Greek Riots in Toronto 



[*] A somber reminder particularly to the young and the impressionable.   

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